Now Offering A Natural, Organic Program!
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Organic Lawn Care Services in Clarksburg, MD

A lush, well-maintained lawn looks great, but is all the work you put into keeping it that way truly worth it? Wouldn’t you rather spend your precious weekend hours doing other, more fun things? For more than 35 years, the team at East Coast Lawn has offered organic lawn care services to homeowners throughout Clarksburg, Maryland, freeing up their weekends!

We dedicate ourselves to comprehensive, professional lawn care to revive even the driest of yards. Schedule your consultation today!

Organic Grub & Insect Control in Clarksburg, MD

If your lawn is infested with grubs and insects, it’s more than just gross. These pests can burrow beneath your lawn and damage the structure of the grass, resulting in dead, brown, crispy patches on your lawn.

Don’t try to solve the problem on your own. You need expert assistance killing grubs before they begin feeding while also not damaging your lawn in the process.

East Coast Lawn can help! We provide a range of proactive grub and insect control services to protect against a number of pests, including:

  • Japanese beetles
  • May beetles
  • June beetles
  • European chafers
  • Northern/Southern masked chafers

Get your grub-proofing estimate today!

Organic Weed & Crabgrass Control & Lawn Care in Clarksburg, MD

Weeds aren’t just annoying – They can quickly ruin the health and look of your yard. Crabgrass, for example, is a particularly competitive and persistent weed that thrives in the Clarksburg, Maryland, area.

To effectively prevent weeds and crabgrass from taking over your lawn, trust East Coast Lawn’s weed control services. We use high-quality products that kill unsightly weeds before they emerge, stopping the cycle of propagation in its tracks.

We use only the best products, services, and methods available, guaranteeing a healthy and beautiful yard for your home or business.

Call today for a quote!

For over 20 years I did the fertilizing myself and this year I decided to give the lawn service a try. I’m glad I did, because my lawn looks great. East Coast Lawns is great to work with. I get an email a few days before they are coming out and I know what they are going to do. In retrospect, the program I was using on my own was no where near what East Coast Lawns is doing and I didn’t do it at the right time and the costs are about the same.
Dana Lee